Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's summer...

Does any Panther fan want to think about the past several years ?

Are you sick of hearing about the '96 Cats ?

Do alumni games irritate you, or do you like to be reminded of when........

And......are they finally going to do something with Vokoun ?????

And what really goes down in the stands and the beer line ......

Sometimes that's more entertaining or tragic than the stuff on the ice. And we must not forget some of the antics in the parking lot.

I might be posting some past experiences, but not to worry my past as a Panther fan/observer only goes back to March 2007. Unless you want to count the times I saw everyone in Miami selling rubber rats back in the day....and I might have gone into the Miami Arena during the last seconds of some game. For some reason I think that happened.

Oh well. I haven't checked out any info on the Panthers' draft day party yet. Might go, hmmm. Until the next post -GO CATS GO ! Or something like that.